I'm not saying that running a shop
doesn't keep me super busy, but I somehow find time to be a sometimes hand dyer
as well. I've been occupied creating a vibrant line of hand dyes
deemed 'Ginger's Hand Dyes.' It must be said that I really look
forward to naming the colour ways. This is one of my new favourites:
Gorblimey. This word stems from the ol' British way of saying, 'God
blind me.' Hence, Gorblimey.
I'm also embarking upon some wristees
knit out of something very special and soon to be featured in the
shop: Ginger Twist Hand Spun. Check out this kitty-tastic
shade. AND it's sooooooooooo squishy!
PS: I've just received September's wool
of the of the month, with much squealing and excitement. All will be
revealed soon my kitties.